PGE capital group

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PGE Capital Group is the largest vertically integrated producer as well as the leading supplier of electricity in Poland. The Dominant Company of PGE capital Group is PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. (PGE S.A.) listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange.

PGE Capital group activity is now organised in five sectors:

  • Conventional Generation, i.e. extraction of lignite, production of electricity and heat from conventional sources as well as transmission and distribution of heat. The Conventional Generation segment includes PGE Energia Ciepła S.A.,
  • Renewable Energy, i.e. electricity generation from renewable sources and in pumped-storage power plants,
  • Supply, i.e. trading of electricity across the country, wholesale trading of electricity on domestic and international market, provision of services to companies from the PGE Group related to commercial management of generation capacities of the Group and electricity produced, as well as trading of CO2 allowances and energy certificates and fuels,
  • Distribution, i.e. supply of electricity to final off-takers though the grid and HV, MV and LV infrastructure,
  • Other Operations, i.e. services, through the subsidiaries, to PGE Group, which includes organisation of capital raising projects and provision of IT, telecommunications, payroll and HR services. Its activities also include subsidiary formed to prepare and implement a project to build a nuclear power plant, invest in start-ups and build an electromobility system.